Here's some resources to help you thrive.

With Love,

-How to Fit

We are always adding to this page, check back regularly for new resources!

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Social & Emotional Support

Community Group: This is a virtual group where we come together as people and build community. We go through 6 week cycles where we discover new topics that lead to personal and relational empowerment. We’re here to grow together and find comradery. We don’t have to do this alone and sometimes you just don’t know what you don’t know (such as, there’s other awesome women out there just like you waiting to encourage you in the journey). Click here if you’re interested in Community Group and we’ll let you know when the next cycle starts!

Local Meetups: We do everything from Paint & (tea/coffee) Sip, to hiking, to eating together. It’s refreshing and easy to make friends with people from similar experiences. Even though we don’t talk about our trauma, it’s a more relaxed environment knowing you don’t have to censor yourself like you do when you interact in the square world. We get it, you’re not alone, come let your hair down with us.

Check out You Are More Than Inc for BIPOC & LGBTQ counseling resources and peer navigators

Health & Wellness

Here are some good links to get you going. Always feel free to reach out so we can help you navigate your wellness journey (no question is a dumb question). We love to assist you with your health goals and needs. You can also check out our Workouts or Schedule page.


Here's a YouTube playlist of short, beginner workouts we think you'll like:


Check back often as we add to this section, but for now, check out

Heal, De-stress, Alternatives

There are many ways to acheive health, and the word "heal" is crucial to health. The impacts of stress is probably more detrimental to your body than the food you eat. 

Here's a YouTube playlist we've made to give you some ideas:

Financial Support

Here you'll find resources to help you with your finances, scholarships, and career development. 

Check out Elevate Academy developed by The Rebecca Bender Initiative. It’s great for Career Development (and they have awesome care packages). It’s developed and operated by people who have been in the sex trade.

You Are More Than Inc, FREE Scholarship, OnePurse, and Free for Life also offer grants for survivors looking for further their education.

Understanding Trauma

If you want to read the textbook, we highly suggest you read The Body Keeps The Score by Bessel Vanderkolk, here's a snapshot:

Here are some other resources for understanding trauma

Article: Does Yoga for Addiction Recovery Help?

Sober Living

We support and encourage multiple paths to healing. There is no need to hide whether you choose sobriety or not, but we want to give you resources if this is an integral part to your healing.

SMART recovery and 12 Step: please look into these approaches and reach out if you want to be connected with survivor-lead recovery groups

The Phoenix is a nation wide Crossfit gym free to people in recovery, you can look for programming online or in your area at

Colorado Artists in Recovery (CAiR) is a great resource if you’re in recovery and pursuing artistic expression, learn more at

Faith Based Resources

We believe spirituality is an integral part of healing, whatever that may look like for you. If you want to explore Faith Based resources, this section is for you. Note: at this time, most of these resources are Christian.

Prayer Time: Not sure how to pray? Need some prayer? Just want to pray with others? Our prayer group meets every week for 30 minutes. We do 15 min of guided prayer (we read already written prayers) and then 15 min of free praying (people can pray about whatever).

Devoga: Integrating movement and Biblical meditation, Devoga (devotional yoga) is like praying and meditating on the Bible while doing yoga. You can check out our videos here.

Resources for Allies

Allies are those people who support you in your journey, but may not have the same lived experience as you.

Roadmap to Redemption by Rebecca Bender: There is a chapter in this book for allies, but it is also a great (faith-influenced) resource for those exiting the sex trade and human trafficking. It’s written by a former sex worker.

Princess Found by Mending the Soul: recommended by survivors, the people who wrote this book did their time walking along survivors on their journey to healing (note: also faith based).

Polaris Project is also a great resource for helping others understand the problem and what exploitation actually looks like.

What is Exploitation?

The Oxford dictionary defines exploitation as:

the action or fact of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work

Has someone forced you or tricked you into doing something for their gain, that left you in pain? Maybe they convinced you it was a good idea but you didn't benefit from it like they did. This is exploitation. Whether you're ready to talk about it or not, we're here to support you. 

Sometimes the things that have happened to you are very physical in nature. Don’t neglect to take care of your body. It’s healing is important too. We provide free wellness programs, services, and resources to people affected by exploitation.

General Resources

Having a moment where you feel like you’re alone and no one can help you, or you don’t even know where to begin or what help to ask for? You can always reach out. We don’t have an agenda to convince you to leave the sex trade, and we won’t go into crisis mode if you call us because you just realized you’re being exploited. We want you to thrive in life, we’re here to listen, and if you still want to keep looking on your own, feel free to check out these resources.

The US Human Trafficking Hotline and more about human trafficking

Directory of resources from housing to counseling and everything in between if you’re looking for other service providers

Answers for immediate help, ongoing support, and navigating questions related to being assaulted

Made By Our People

Resources by people who have exited the sex trade, survivors and lived experience experts. Feel free to send us resources to add to this list! Support your tribe by accessing their services, donating to their cause, and buying their creations!

Survivor Lead Organizations

You Are More Than Inc, Beautiful Feet Wellness/How to Fit, The Avery Center, The Rebecca Bender Initiative/Elevate Academy, Treasures, Xpose Hope, Safe4Us, Ending the Game, SOAP Project


Megan Lundstrom, Harmony Grillo, Rebecca Bender, Jessa Crisp, Amanda Blackwood, Katarina Rosenblatt, Theresa Flores, Betty Campbell